Literary Criticism

Literary criticism is the study, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. It encompasses a wide range of approaches, methodologies, and perspectives, aiming to understand the meaning, form, significance, and value of literary works. Critics may focus on various aspects, such as the historical context, thematic elements, aesthetic qualities, and societal implications of texts. Literary criticism can involve comparing texts, exploring authorial intent, and examining the effects of literature on audiences.

Critics may adhere to specific theoretical frameworks, including formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism, feminism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, and postcolonialism, among others. Each approach provides different lenses through which to interpret texts and understand their cultural and historical impact.

In addition to scholarly critiques, literary criticism can also take the form of reviews designed for general readers, where the focus is on evaluating the quality and appeal of new works of literature. Overall, literary criticism plays a vital role in enriching our understanding of literature as a reflection of human experience, culture, and artistic expression.